As the new Dar e Mehr building completes its second year since opening its doors, the Trustees continue to manage various projects and efforts to improve the building’s appearance and oversee the yearly maintenance of the building.
An effort was put forth by ZAGNY teen parent, Tina Daroowalla and DMZT Trustee Ferzin Patel to organize a summer volunteerism project which would encourage the youth to become more involved, but also help with the yearly upkeep and organize the building. The response was overwhelmingly positive and many youth stepped up to offer their time and energy to helping with such projects like cleaning out and organizing the kitchen drawers and storage pantry, washing all the trays and serving bowls, cleaning and scrubbing the pots and pans. With the assistance of DMZT Trustee, Fali Shroff, the kids took command of all that was needed to be done that day. The dirt, scrapes and scuffmarks on the walls and doors were met with the gentle yet strong hands of our youth washing and removing stains. They collectively decided as a group how they wanted to arrange the Recreation Room with the new indoor Basketball Game donated by one of our own members. They worked as a team and got the job done in a 5 hour time span.
Of course what Zoroastrian event is not met with food; the kids had a pizza lunch and were able to reconnect and share ideas for other new improvements to get the youth more involved. After having such a positive response to this effort, we will have this again once a quarter and encourage youth from both associations to participate and meet together. After all this is their home too. A big thank you to our youth volunteers, they include, Cyrus Dadina, Rayan Daroowalla, Adina and Maya Mistry, Sanaeya and Yazna Nalladaru, Kaneesha Nadar, and Davin Patel.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Tina Daroowalla at tdaroowalla@yahoo.com.